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version 2.9
CGadcNonTimerJob_t | The structure passed to do a single conversion |
CGadcTimerJob_t | The structure passed to start a timer conversion |
CGButtonObject | The button widget structure |
CGColorSet | The GColorSet structure |
CgcontainerVMT | The Virtual Method Table for a container |
CGDataBuffer | A Data Buffer Queue |
CGDriver | All runtime driver structures start with this structure |
CGDriverVMT | All driver VMT's start with this structure |
CGEventADC_t | The High Speed ADC event structure |
CGEventAudioPlay_t | The Audio play event structure |
CGEventAudioRecord_t | The Audio record event structure |
CGEventGWin | A Generic GWIN Event |
CGEventGWinList | A list event |
CGEventGWinRadio | A Button Event |
CGEventGWinTabset | A Tabset Event |
CgfxQueueASync | A queue |
CgfxQueueASyncItem | A queue item |
CgImage | The structure for an image |
CGKeyboardObject | The keyboard widget structure |
CgMutex | A mutex |
CgPoint | Type for a 2D point on the screen |
CGRadioObject | The radio button widget structure |
CgSem | A semaphore |
CGTimer_t | A GTimer structure |
CGVSpecialKey | |
CGWidgetInit | The structure to initialise a widget |
CGWidgetObject | The GWIN Widget structure |
CGWidgetStyle | The GWidgetStyle structure |
CgwidgetVMT | The Virtual Method Table for a widget |
CGWindowInit | The structure to initialise a GWIN |
CGWindowObject | A window object structure |
CgwinVMT | The Virtual Method Table for a GWIN window |
CgwmVMT | The Virtual Method Table for a window manager |
CListItem | The internal list item structure |
CMatrixFixed2D | A matrix for doing 2D graphics using fixed point maths |
CMatrixFloat2D | A matrix for doing 2D graphics using floats |
CtransTable | A table containing translated strings |