µGFX  2.9
version 2.9

Detailed Description

Module to interface different hardware input sources such as touchscreens.

GINPUT provides an easy and common interface to use different input devices such as touchscreens and mices.

GFX_USE_GINPUT must be set to GFXON in your gfxconf.h


 Sub-Module to handle physical controls that provide a range value (eg. potentiometers and rotary encoders).
 Sub-Module to handle physical keyboards.
 Sub-Module to handle touchscreens and mices.
 Sub-Module to handle physical controls that provide provide a digital value (on/off, pressed/released, 1/0, ...).

GINPUT Functionality to be included

 Should mouse/touch functions be included. More...
 Should keyboard functions be included. More...
 Should hardware toggle/switch/button functions be included. More...
 Should analog dial functions be included. More...

GINPUT Optional Low Level Driver Defines

 Start touch devices without loading or running calibration. More...
 Turn off the touch calibration GUI. More...
 Turn off all touch calibration support. More...
 Turn off all touch support. More...
 Milliseconds between mouse polls. More...
 Maximum length of CLICK in milliseconds. More...
 Milliseconds to generate a CXTCLICK on a touch device. More...
 There is a user supplied routine to load mouse calibration data. More...
 There is a user supplied routine to save mouse calibration data. More...
 Define multiple static mice. More...
 Milliseconds between keyboard polls. More...
 Define multiple static keyboards. More...
 Turn off the layout engine. More...
 Various Keyboard Layouts that can be included. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Milliseconds between keyboard polls.

Defaults to 200 milliseconds

How often keyboards should be polled.

Definition at line 179 of file ginput_options.h.



Maximum length of CLICK in milliseconds.

Defaults to 300 milliseconds

Mouse down to Mouse up times greater than this are not clicks.

Definition at line 133 of file ginput_options.h.



Milliseconds between mouse polls.

Defaults to 25 milliseconds

How often mice should be polled. More often leads to smoother mouse movement but increases CPU usage.

Definition at line 124 of file ginput_options.h.



Should analog dial functions be included.

Defaults to GFXOFF

Also add a dial hardware driver to your makefile. Eg. include /drivers/ginput/dial/analog/driver.mk

Definition at line 61 of file ginput_options.h.



Should keyboard functions be included.

Defaults to GFXOFF

Also add a keyboard hardware driver to your makefile. Eg. include /drivers/ginput/keyboard/XXXX/driver.mk

Definition at line 41 of file ginput_options.h.



Should mouse/touch functions be included.

Defaults to GFXOFF

Also add a mouse/touch hardware driver to your makefile. Eg. include /drivers/ginput/touch/MCU/driver.mk

Definition at line 31 of file ginput_options.h.



Should hardware toggle/switch/button functions be included.

Defaults to GFXOFF

Also add a toggle hardware driver to your makefile. Eg. include /drivers/ginput/toggle/Pal/driver.mk

Definition at line 51 of file ginput_options.h.



Milliseconds to generate a CXTCLICK on a touch device.

Defaults to 500 milliseconds

If you hold the touch down for longer than this a CXTCLICK is generated but only on a touch device.

Definition at line 142 of file ginput_options.h.



Turn off all touch calibration support.

Defaults to GFXOFF

With this set to GFXON touch readings will not be calibrated.
This automatically turns off the calibration GUI too!
Calibration requires a lot of code. If your device doesn't require it using this option can save a lot of space.

Definition at line 105 of file ginput_options.h.



Turn off the touch calibration GUI.

Defaults to GFXOFF

Turning off the calibration GUI just turns off the manual calibration process. Readings may still be calibrated if calibration data can be loaded.
Calibration requires a lot of code. If your device doesn't require it using this option can save a lot of space.

Definition at line 94 of file ginput_options.h.



Turn off all touch support.

Defaults to GFXOFF

This automatically turns off all calibration and the calibration GUI too!
Touch device handling requires a lot of code. If your device doesn't require it using this option can save a lot of space.

Definition at line 115 of file ginput_options.h.



Start touch devices without loading or running calibration.

Defaults to GFXOFF

This is used if you want to manually control the initial calibration process. In practice this is only useful for a touch driver test program.

Definition at line 82 of file ginput_options.h.



There is a user supplied routine to load mouse calibration data.

Defaults to GFXOFF

If GFXON the user must supply the LoadMouseCalibration() routine.

Definition at line 150 of file ginput_options.h.



There is a user supplied routine to save mouse calibration data.

Defaults to GFXOFF

If GFXON the user must supply the SaveMouseCalibration() routine.

Definition at line 158 of file ginput_options.h.



Define multiple static keyboards.

When not defined the system automatically detects a single linked keyboard driver

The references to GKEYBOARDVMT_Win32 in the definition would be replaced by the names of the VMT for each of the static keyboards you want to include.
Dynamic keyboards associated automatically with a display eg Win32, X or GFXnet do not need to be specified in this list as the display driver will register them automatically as the display is created.

Definition at line 192 of file ginput_options.h.



Turn off the layout engine.

When defined the layout engine is removed from the code and characters are passed directly from the keyboard driver to the application.

Turning off the layout engine just saves code if it is not needed.

Definition at line 201 of file ginput_options.h.



Various Keyboard Layouts that can be included.

A keyboard layout controls conversion of scancodes to characters and enables one keyboard to have multiple language mappings.

Defining a layout does not make it active. The keyboard driver must have it active as the default or the application must use ginputSetKeyboardLayout() to set the active layout.
Multiple layouts can be included but only one will be active at a time (per keyboard).

Definition at line 215 of file ginput_options.h.



Define multiple static mice.

When not defined the system automatically detects a single linked mouse driver

The references to GMOUSEVMT_Win32 in the definition would be replaced by the names of the VMT for each of the static mice you want to include.
Dynamic mice associated automatically with a display eg Win32, X or GFXnet do not need to be specified in this list as the associated display driver will register them automatically as the display is created.

Definition at line 171 of file ginput_options.h.