µGFX  2.9
version 2.9
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CGadcNonTimerJob_tThe structure passed to do a single conversion
 CGadcTimerJob_tThe structure passed to start a timer conversion
 CGButtonObjectThe button widget structure
 CGColorSetThe GColorSet structure
 CgcontainerVMTThe Virtual Method Table for a container
 CGDataBufferA Data Buffer Queue
 CGDriverAll runtime driver structures start with this structure
 CGDriverVMTAll driver VMT's start with this structure
 CGEventADC_tThe High Speed ADC event structure
 CGEventAudioPlay_tThe Audio play event structure
 CGEventAudioRecord_tThe Audio record event structure
 CGEventGWinA Generic GWIN Event
 CGEventGWinListA list event
 CGEventGWinRadioA Button Event
 CGEventGWinTabsetA Tabset Event
 CgfxQueueASyncA queue
 CgfxQueueASyncItemA queue item
 CgImageThe structure for an image
 CGKeyboardObjectThe keyboard widget structure
 CgMutexA mutex
 CgPointType for a 2D point on the screen
 CGRadioObjectThe radio button widget structure
 CgSemA semaphore
 CGTimer_tA GTimer structure
 CGWidgetInitThe structure to initialise a widget
 CGWidgetObjectThe GWIN Widget structure
 CGWidgetStyleThe GWidgetStyle structure
 CgwidgetVMTThe Virtual Method Table for a widget
 CGWindowInitThe structure to initialise a GWIN
 CGWindowObjectA window object structure
 CgwinVMTThe Virtual Method Table for a GWIN window
 CgwmVMTThe Virtual Method Table for a window manager
 CListItemThe internal list item structure
 CMatrixFixed2DA matrix for doing 2D graphics using fixed point maths
 CMatrixFloat2DA matrix for doing 2D graphics using floats
 CtransTableA table containing translated strings